~ Imagine ~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~

~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~
Dedicated, Disciplined, Determined, Dreaming, Daring Dancers .

Thursday, January 12, 2012


YAY ME! Krista told me to write about my doll dance getting excepted to the National HS Dance Festival, so yeah here it is. We decided last second to film my dance and send it in, so I was a bit surprised that it got chosen, but I'm excited that it did! I think that we are all very excited to go to Philadelphia because we will get to bond and have fun, take a bunch of classes, and watch other schools perform! It will be a great experience getting to know people from all over the country and learning different types of styles from all kinds of teachers. Right now in class we are teaching my dance to everyone that will be going and will continue to clean it so it will be PERFECT for Nationals. I'm looking forward to wearing the vintage dresses and petticoats and being able to do some extremely crazy makeup. EVERYONE GET PUMPED. WOOOO!