~ Imagine ~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~

~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~
Dedicated, Disciplined, Determined, Dreaming, Daring Dancers .

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Shakespeare Parent Letter

Shakespeare here we come!

Dancers, don't forget the following:

-costume, underclothing, tights, hot shorts, make-up, make-up remover, hair stuff
-clothes and shoes for dance classes (layers too)
-own "dancer's first aid kit" (band-aids, clippers, medicine, tape, wraps, safety pins, etc.)
-toiletries.  Modest swimwear. PJs.
-sweats and layers (it can snow there), walking shoes
-money for food (Thurs lunch, Fri lunch/dinner, Sat lunch/dinner).  You can bring snacks.
-phone, charger, homework, backpack/dance bag, paper
-Choreographers:  your music, music player, quote/title/explanation of dance.
-positive attitudes and willingness to work hard and learn!

Here is the final parent letter from Mr. Smith: