~ Imagine ~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~

~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~
Dedicated, Disciplined, Determined, Dreaming, Daring Dancers .

Monday, May 27, 2013

My Time On PDC

This was my second year on PDC. I can honestly say that it was an experience in many ways. First off I got to meet some of my Best friends on PDC, both years. I have gotten to know so many of the girls so well. Not only that but they have got my back even when some people don't. I can always go to those girls for support. I have also met the sweetest most soft hearted girls in my life, and they have been such a great influence on me! I also got the opportunity to choreograph a dance! It was definitely hard but if it wasn't for the girls that took it to state then I wouldn't have felt as satisfied as I do now! they killed it! I have loved seeing every single person improving! I also love all of the opportunities that have been brought forth through PDC! I have gained so much from it choreographically, being a dancer, and just a person! I just want all of my girls to know I LOVE YOU! and you are all BEAUTIFUL!!! I am going to miss you all so much next year!!!


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