~ Imagine ~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~

~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~
Dedicated, Disciplined, Determined, Dreaming, Daring Dancers .

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dances and Important Stuff

Reminders and Info:

Student Choreographed Dances: 
Must be 1/2 done on Thursday November 3rd 
In class showings and peer critiques on choreography.

If dances not completed by set time-frame, or cleaned by set date, dances can and will get cut from the concert.  Same with dancers, if dancers do not show up, they may be pulled from a section of the dance, or the whole dance all together, as per PDC contract.

PDC Daily Homework:  dancers must learn, review, and perfect material learned the previous day in class from his/her choreographer.  You have homework in every class, and this class is not different.  The choreographer does not have time to continually re-teach material, it is the dancers responsibility to have it down so the choreographer can move on with material.

FRI NOV. 4th:  Football Half-Time @ Lp
School wants us to do the big homecoming mash-up routine with everyone this Friday.  We must have 100% participation (if you can't do it, we have some dancers that didn't do it that would be willing to learn your part).  This is great exposure for us and to show we are willing to support our school.   You should remember the routine, it is just formations we may need to review/work on.

Don't forget your buddy's birthday or half birthday!
Please remind and help your buddy out with remembering practices, assignments, etc.

Dancer Spotlights:
Officers:  Don't forget to do, present, and turn in your Dancer Spotlight so we can highlight one dancer on our bulletin per week!  This "should" be done on the Monday you teach technique.
Vampire Dance:  We will have practice EVERY Friday Morning at 6:15 AM!

Field Trip:  "Complexions Contemporary Ballet" matinee ($3)
November 8th (A-day, school-excused)

More Information:
Click here to visit Complexions' website
Video Click here to watch Complexions on YouTube
PDC Winter Concert Coming Up:
Get your work off NOW!  The 2 weeks before our performance is our major "concert week" in the auditorium.  Mandatory attendance or major demerit points!

PDC Winter Social: TBA date/location
Wear "ugly Christmas sweaters", potluck soup and bread bowl, presents (white elephant or socks?), watch holiday movie.  Will be at a PDC member's house.  Will be AFTER our concert. 
Philly Tour:  $100 non-refundable deposit due soon.  Stay posted for emails, handouts, etc.

Mrs. Di, PDC Officers, and Parents :) 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Homecoming Game Fundraiser

Before the homecoming game PDC set up a booth selling henna tattoos, hair wraps and more for a fundraiser. Our booth was quite a hit! Jasmine did most of the henna designs, and Ashlyn and Sierra did the hair wraps. The crackle nail polish was also a popular item. Thanks to everyone who participated and supported this fundraiser!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Email sent out 10/13/11

I am posting this email I sent out just in case some of you don't check your emails or have changed emails.  I want to make sure we are all on the same page.
Hello Dancers!

Great job doing your proposals.  I was impressed with the research and effort many of you put in.  I wish we could have more dances, but our time is limited.  I hope some of you propose your dances next semester again! 

Wonderful work at Shakespeare.  Huge thanks to our wonderful parent chaperons!

Heads up, we only have about a month to start, finish, and have your student choreographed dances cleaned before we go into the 2 weeks of concert prep.  Please do not miss class or after school practices, as we are on a tight schedule.  That said, choreographers, always come prepared with material or tasks to do during your hour.

Your pictures orders are due tomorrow (Friday).  Please have your envelope ready to turn in to me tomorrow.  If you have specific questions, contact Sherry Ward, the photographer.  I also need the picture # of which headshot photo you want me to order for the pictures I am ordering to put up on our bulletin board.

Social: Sadie's Dance
optional, but for those who would like to go to Sadies as a dance co. group.  I will be teaching swing dance at 5:30pm in the dance room for an hour, then I think the dancers will be going to an old diner, then the dance.  Dress theme is 50's / Greece. 

One to two page type written paper about what you learned from our Shakespeare trip.
Due: Tuesday October 18th

Halloween Social: ? TBA?

State Dance Festival is confirmed for Sat Feb 18th at the UofU.

Need deposit soon for our big trip to Philadelphia to purchase tickets.  Trip helper moms looking at ticket prices, please keep me informed, we should act soon, contact me once you contact an airline and get "real" prices.

I have also attached our "Dancer Spotlight" so we can start presenting those with the information all the dancers submitted at the beginning of the year (the questionnaire).  If you still didn't do it, please do it :)

You are all wonderful, I am so happy to have you on company! 
Please remember to take time to keep up your dance technique and take ballet classes :)

Publicity Officer: you may want to get out how well we did to the school (school newspaper) or anywhere else that you can think of, or even write up a little thing about our experience there.

happy dancing--

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


We had a great weekend at the Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City!  Second in Ensemble and First in Duo/Trio.  The duet was one out of only 4 dances that were invited to perform in the Closing Awards Ceremonies!

Now straight into more business...
This Wed, Oct 12th: PDC Dance Proposal Assignment
                         This is required by all.  Out of 100 pts!
                         Remember all requirements: -proposal paper filled out
                                                                        -Twyla Tharp "box" or research collage (pics, words, etc)
                                                                        -oral proposal presented
                                                                        -1 minute of movement
                                                                        -mind-map web
                         As a class we will be voting on 4 proposed dances to be in our winter concert:
           "Myths and Legends"  Dec 7 & 8th.  We only just over a month before the dances need to be finished, cleaned, and ready for spacing and tech-ing!  Please do not miss any practices, as our concert is early and we need all the time we can get. 

Sometimes they get silly!

PDC Giggles from Lone Peak High Dance on Vimeo.