~ Imagine ~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~

~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~
Dedicated, Disciplined, Determined, Dreaming, Daring Dancers .

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I get to choreograph this semester with Ashlyn Adams and I am soooo excited! I have been wanting to do a dance for a couple years now and I finally get to do it. I got inspired to do a puppet dance because in Dance 3 we were learning a combination and a song from Sherlock Holmes came on. The genre of music and instrumental elements helped me start the movement and Ashlyn helped and came up with movement and we blended our ideas together. It's about puppets and puppeteers. The puppeteers abuse their power to control the puppets and don't really give them a second thought. Finally the puppets get tired of being tossed around and decide they want to be the puppeteers. After a while they get tired with the puppeteers and go to find someone else but their strings get cut before they can go any farther. I really like this dance because it has a lot of character and dramatic moves and sounds that will add to the dance. We found inspiration frond Bellatrix Lestrange because of the arrogance that she has and the way is kind of tipsy but not in a drunk way. That kind of stiff legged walk that emphasizes the kind of swagger she has. I am so happy to be choreographing and think all my dancers will do amazing!

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