~ Imagine ~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~
~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~
Dedicated, Disciplined, Determined, Dreaming, Daring Dancers .
Dedicated, Disciplined, Determined, Dreaming, Daring Dancers .
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Monday, September 7, 2015
PDC September Email and Newsletter
Hello all!
We have had a successful Dance Camp and first few weeks of school. Routines are getting set and PDC Officers have been voted on. We also have our "Dance Buddies" for the first semester. We will do something with/for our buddies about 2x a month.

We did figure out who made the long-distance calls during our hotel stay during Dance Camp. It was an honest mistake/misunderstanding with the calls. The dancers are good kids :)
All dancers will be working on required and graded research and proposals for student choreography for our upcoming concert based on ART. Reading, Homework, and other assignments will reflect and prepare students for their proposals and for a deeper understanding of what art is. We are also looking at doing collaboration with some of the art classes at the school.
We have Officer Meetings every Monday at lunch in the Dance Room Office. We will have one Officer Meeting a month where we will invite parent helpers/booster club to join us. Officers are: President-Alex M, Sav B; VP-Malori; Secretaries-Mariah($), Brittany F (calendar);Publicity-Jenna, Jenae; Costumes-Ireland, Lily; Spirit-Izzy, Morgan.
PDC Adult Helpers/Organizers:
Lori Higbee: Assistant (help with booster club/parents and tour)
Andrea McAllister: Professional Advisor (cleaning and choreography)
Wendi Isaacson: Professional Advisor (cleaning, contacting parents, social media)
JoAnn Colmere: Help with Booster Club parents
- Officer meetings every Monday at lunch
- last b-day of week dancers are to wear "fitted black dance attire"
- B-days Fridays is "Showings" (show all dances we have, no matter how far they are with choreography). Parents with dance/cleaning experience welcome to come and give feedback.
- pull hair back and no gum in class
- look at Group Me texts (get app?)
- Reading Homework due first class day of the week
- All parent chaperones must have background check done. Check in at office if visiting.
- Be able to access and save our shared Google Drive, Calendar, Google Classroom, Skyward, GroupMe, etc.
- Parents are welcome to join and follow us on our social media sites: our closed Facebook Group, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
- Our mandatory after school rehearsal time with all PDC is Tuesdays 2:20-4:40pm. Do not be absent, and arrange make up work, etc. other times. Absences will require make-up work to be done. Every practice is worth participation points.
- Remember what 10-20 minute warmup we have each day, and bring appropriate attire/shoes.
- Have you paid for the clothing items you ordered?
- Have Parents come to the Parent-Teacher Conference to "approve" our PDC Tour
- Have you reviewed Ismael's choreography online? Have you learned it online if you weren't there to learn it at dance camp?
Tues 9/1: HW 1A Due, Officer Meeting, Assignment: Web/Mind Map based off choreographing idea/art
Fri: 9/4: Shakespeare Trio after school
Tues 9/8: HW 1B, Homecoming Planning Meeting at Lunch (officers), Shakespeare Ensemble and Trio after-school (2:30-4:40),
Thur 9/10: Ismael Arrietta coming to clean his choreography!
Fri 9/11: Shakes Trio after-school
Mon 9/14 OR 9/28: Caine Keenan coming to clean his Shakepeare choreography! Possible extended after-school rehearsal to continue cleaning!!!! Date TBA.
Mon 9/14: HW 1C Due, Officer Meeting at Lunch
Thurs 9/17: Field Trip: RW Matinee Performance (see Parent Permission Form, it is School-Excused)
Fri 9/18: Showings, Shakes Trio after-school
Mon 9/21: Officer Meeting at Lunch
Tues 9/22: HW 1D Due
Fri 9/25: Shakes Trio after-school, "TEAL IS THE DEAL" Performance at UVU 7pm.
Sat 9/26: Homecoming Halftime Blocking on Field - all teams (8:00-11:00 AM)
Mon 9/28: Officer Meeting at Lunch, HW Reading Due
Wed 9/30: HC Halftime in maroon gym - all teams (6:15-7:15AM), "Evening of Shakespeare" Performance (Lp Auditorium 7PM)
Thurs Oct 1-3: SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL COMPETITION @ SUU. (Trio is Friday, Ensemble is Saturday).
Mon 10/5: Officer Meeting at Lunch, HW Reading Due, Shakespeare Choreography Critique Assignment Due
Wed 10/7: HC Halftime Rehearsal - all teams (field: 6:15-7:15 AM)
Thurs 10/8: HC Halftime Rehearsal - all teams (maroon gym: 6:15-7:15 AM)
Please see our Google Calendar for updates and changes.
Thanks for a great start to the year!
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