~ Imagine ~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~

~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~
Dedicated, Disciplined, Determined, Dreaming, Daring Dancers .

Sunday, April 17, 2016

PDC Audition Results

Congratulations PDC 2016-2017:

Josh Ahlstrom
Emily Daines
Brynne Ellertson
Alexis Guerrero
Vienna Higbee
Tally Kelshaw
McKenna Martin
Mariah Miller
Madison Palacios
Kaymie Rogers
Tylah Smith
Lauren Tripp
Brittany Wanlass

The following dancers need to email me: kdilello@alpinedistrict.org ASAP, letting me know you saw this, and for further instructions, ex: missing forms or to schedule a meeting time set up with me.  PDC Acceptance Pending.

Nate Ahlstrom - email
Lauren Colemere - meeting
Dawson Fernstrom - email
Sable Fernstrom - email
Morgan Leslie - email
Alexis Nicolls – meeting
Malori Pratt - email
Peter Songmow – meeting or email
Janae Tucker – meeting
Jenna Wilson - meeting

Congratulations Synergy Dance 3! 
All dancers accepted into PDC are also accepted and can register for Dance 3 Synergy/UVU Concurrent Enrollment.  In addition to all the dancers listed above, the following are also approved to enroll in Dance 3 Synergy/UVU Concurrent Enrollment:

Sara Allen
Brynn Bailey
Rachel Dayley
Faith Finch
Claire Hilmo
Kensigton Holbrook
Emma Kroes
Aurora Lawson
Laura Merrill
Questa Rousseau

If you are not on the list, you are welcome and encouraged to take Dance 2 or Dance 1 or some of the other great dance classes at the school and at private studios.  You are awesome!  Never ever give up J

Be grateful for this experience and what you can take away and positively learn from each experience.  Click this link to read about 50 famously successful people who failed before they succeeded :)

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