~ Imagine ~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~

~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~
Dedicated, Disciplined, Determined, Dreaming, Daring Dancers .

Monday, May 23, 2016

         Dance company has taught me a great deal about myself. I got to learn more about me and how I am as a dancer and as a teammate. I also got to learn a lot about my team. I had many opportunities to be in student choreography pieces which gave me the opportunity to learn from my teammates and what dance styles come easy to them and how they would create movement. I got to see others natural movement and creativity and compare it to mine, its inspiring. There are so many girls with so many styles and dance company brings it all together beautifully. I loved being able to grow as a dancer and learn more about choreographing. Dancing and competing with this team has definitely been a highlight of my year and I love working with these girls.

Throughout the year we studied dance choreography from a textbook and we each got a chance to come up with dance proposals. We each got many chances to showcase our own style and creativity. Everyone gets many chances in class to be a leader and teach the class. In conclusions it is a great class to help you learn responsibility and leadership and dance. 

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