This year has been amazing!! Where do I even begin? As a company we have had SO many wonderful opportunities and experiences that have helped us grow both individually and as a team. To start off the year we had our retreat which brought all the girls together and made so many friendships. We then had the opportunity of being in the homecoming football game halftime show, which we collaborated with drill team, cheer, and ballroom to make an awesome performance! The next month we attended the Shakespeare festival in cedar city... we competed and took master classes and supported teams from all across Utah! Our winter concert... which was full of student and professional choreography. STATE. Such an awesome experience. We took two dances to be adjudicated. There were incredible classes taught by professional dancers, and scholarship opportunities etc. Some of the team was able to go to Las Vegas and attend cirque du solei performances and visit the bodies exhibit. And to kick of the year we finished it out with our spring concert. This year has taught me so much! Even though difficult at times... so worth it! I love my dance family so much and I will never forget what this year has taught me and how much ive leaned. Love You ALL!
~ Imagine ~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~
~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~
Dedicated, Disciplined, Determined, Dreaming, Daring Dancers .
Dedicated, Disciplined, Determined, Dreaming, Daring Dancers .
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
PDC Officer Application
We will vote on officers at our meeting on Friday, May 31st at 2:00 pm.
Please have your Officer Application filled out and "submit"ed before that time!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
This year acording to Jessica Jensen
This year was amazing! I learned so much and made so many good memories and good friends! This year started out amazing at the dance camp in august I loved working out with all the amazing ladies on dance company we really bonded while we were running our guts out down by the pond! After the school year started we had a great time learning dances for half times learning the homecoming dance and doing fundraisers at the different school events. One of my favorite times on dance company was definantly the shaksepeare festival. I learned so much and loved preparing the dances for it. I learned that you need to think abaout the audience and the people watching or judging so that it keeps the audience interested. I loved taking all the different classes by the different instructors they taught me so much! Our winter concert was so fun and I enjoyed all of the dances I was in so much even though we had a little drama it was so fun and I loved having it with all the girls! Next came state... even though I broke my toes it was an amazing experience The classes were amazing and I learned so much! At state I learned the importance of preparation so many of the schools were really prepared and I was really impressed and it helped me be more motivated to try harder and work harder! Last but not least was our spring concert! we had a party in every second of the concert I love dance company so much! the ladies on it are so amazing and so talented and I am so lucky to get to know them and dance with them they have become my best friends and lets not forget to mention krista! Krista has taught me so much and I have loved learning from her! The biggest thing I think I learned this year was Hard Work! I am so gratful for the wonderful opertunity to work with this amazing company! I love all you ladies!
This year was amazing! I learned so much and made so many good memories and good friends! This year started out amazing at the dance camp in august I loved working out with all the amazing ladies on dance company we really bonded while we were running our guts out down by the pond! After the school year started we had a great time learning dances for half times learning the homecoming dance and doing fundraisers at the different school events. One of my favorite times on dance company was definantly the shaksepeare festival. I learned so much and loved preparing the dances for it. I learned that you need to think abaout the audience and the people watching or judging so that it keeps the audience interested. I loved taking all the different classes by the different instructors they taught me so much! Our winter concert was so fun and I enjoyed all of the dances I was in so much even though we had a little drama it was so fun and I loved having it with all the girls! Next came state... even though I broke my toes it was an amazing experience The classes were amazing and I learned so much! At state I learned the importance of preparation so many of the schools were really prepared and I was really impressed and it helped me be more motivated to try harder and work harder! Last but not least was our spring concert! we had a party in every second of the concert I love dance company so much! the ladies on it are so amazing and so talented and I am so lucky to get to know them and dance with them they have become my best friends and lets not forget to mention krista! Krista has taught me so much and I have loved learning from her! The biggest thing I think I learned this year was Hard Work! I am so gratful for the wonderful opertunity to work with this amazing company! I love all you ladies!
PDC Memories :)
I've learned sooo much this past year, being on PDC. I've learned so much and have become so much more comfortable doing improv and working with groups. I've become best friends with all of the girls on the team and love them all dearly! PDC has been an amazing experience for me. I've loved all of the amazing opportunities like Shakespeare festival, Social retreats, State, field trips, dancing with Cirque du Soleil and many more. I have grown as a dancer and choreographer more than I ever have. My views on dancing have changed for the better:) I've gotten to meet so many new people and work on my leadership and social skills as well. The girls on the team have become my best friends and I'm so glad that I had the privilege to dance with them. The whole experience has been so amazing and I cannot wait till next year!!
Much love,
~Whit Jewels
Much love,
~Whit Jewels
What I learned from PDC...
I absolutely loved being on PDC this year! Honestly we have created the best memories, done some of the most amazing things, danced with some of the best people, and accomplished so much as a team! Dance Company is an outlet for me to express myself and it has helped me create my own style of dancing. It has been a safe and comforting place to be creative and to be myself. I have learned that you don't have to just dance a specific style, you can dance anyway you want. I have grown so much as a dancer because I am able to not just do the movement but feel it and dance it my own way. I'm so grateful for all of the dances I have been in because each was a new experience to put myself into the piece and it has helped me become a better dancer. Dance Company is the best decision I made this year and I'm so grateful for everything I have learned as far as dancing techniques and different styles of dancing but I am also so grateful for what I've learned about being on a team. Even though we had some rough mornings and nights getting up early or staying late at the school practicing (especially during concert week) we always somehow made a party out of it and worked hard and pulled through together. I have made the best friends this year, they all mean the world to me! They inspire me every day to be better and work harder and I love all of the inside jokes and memories we have made this year! I'm going to miss Kalli, Ash, and Nat so much. I don't want to see them leave. This really has been such an amazing year and I'm excited for next year and hope it is just as amazing!
Monday, May 27, 2013
What I learned in PDC this year
I have learned so much this year on PDC. Along with making so many new friends and I have definately grown as a dancer. I learned that there is many ways to dance. And dancing isn't about the type of style you do. But I also think that it's important to have diversity on dance company and I think even though we do a lot of modern stuff, its good to have concert because we're able to do whatever we want to do. Whatever type of dance we feel like expressing. Its a good feeling to know that coming into dance company is such a comfort every day. Its a time to really just let everything go and shut the world out and not think about anything stressful or important. I also learned the importance of a team coming together. It really helps when the whole entire team really puts in the effort. It make a big difference. And im really excited for next year because now I know what its like to be on dance company and its definately hard work. I definately learned that. And im so excited for next year!
What I learned in PDC...
I have learned so many new things this year in Lone Peak Dance Company. I am so glad that I decided to try out this year! I have had so much fun on Dance Company and I absolutely love all the girls on the team. Having such a close relationship with everyone on the team also makes it easier to dance with them and perform because we are all nice to each other and we all know how each of us dances and what our strengths and weaknesses are. How I dance now, and how I used to dance at the beginning of the year are totally different, but its a good thing. I don't just go through the motions like I used to, now I put emotion into it and always have the intent of the dance in mind. I have learned so many new choreographic techniques and things to help me for when I want to choreograph a dance someday. I have learned how to work better with others and how to make dancing my passion. I have also learned many new improv techniques that can definitely help me for tryout for professional teams or if I decide to pursue my dancing career. I love Dance Company and I am so glad that I got the chance to do it this year! ~Chayn:)
My Time On PDC
This was my second year on PDC. I can honestly say that it was an experience in many ways. First off I got to meet some of my Best friends on PDC, both years. I have gotten to know so many of the girls so well. Not only that but they have got my back even when some people don't. I can always go to those girls for support. I have also met the sweetest most soft hearted girls in my life, and they have been such a great influence on me! I also got the opportunity to choreograph a dance! It was definitely hard but if it wasn't for the girls that took it to state then I wouldn't have felt as satisfied as I do now! they killed it! I have loved seeing every single person improving! I also love all of the opportunities that have been brought forth through PDC! I have gained so much from it choreographically, being a dancer, and just a person! I just want all of my girls to know I LOVE YOU! and you are all BEAUTIFUL!!! I am going to miss you all so much next year!!!
My time on PDC!
I love dance company. I get to dance with some of the most amazing people in the world! Everyone is so hard working and so lovable. I know I came late into the year, but I was amazing at how welcoming everyone was towards me. Each and every person inspires me and encourages me to keep on dancing. I was even givin the amazing opportunity to choreograph and it was an unreal experience. Choreography is very important to me and everyone is so open to new and creative ideas. Everyone was really helpful in helping and correcting problems I had with my dance. I love how we all work together and everyone is so positive and loving. I am so graetful I was able to spend time with Dance Company this year. It was amazing and I can't wait to do it again next year. I love each and every one on the company. And thank you sooo much Krista for all you do for the company. Couldn't do it with out you. Love you all!!! Thanks so much everyone. (:
-Akaysha Greer
-Akaysha Greer
Saturday, May 25, 2013
My Time on Performing Dance Company: Kalli Elmer
It's crazy that this year has gone by so fast and we have done so much! This year has been my favorite, not only because of the dances and the activities. But because of the girls on our team. Joining dance company was the best decision I've ever made because not only have my dancing improved but also I made so many new friends who became like sisters to me. One thing that sets us apart from any other dance program in our school is that we may not be able to do 6 turns in a row, but we know how to feel in a dance. We learn how to have musicality and properly express out feelings through our movement. Another thing I like about Dance Company is the variety of our dances. Not only can we kick butt in our hip hop, but we can handle sensitive topics like the Holocaust. Our concerts have a theme and it gives us an opportunity to expand and to have new ideas. I loved being able to choreograph because I have always wanted to do a fun jazzy dance and this semesters theme was perfect. Although I had choreography blocks and changed things a lot, It was totally worth is when I heard the audiences reaction to my dancers. The Last thing that I love is the opportunities that dance company has given me. I have been able to dance and perform in Philadelphia for Nationals, dance with professional companies and receive scholarships! I wouldn't have been able to accomplish any of that with being apart of dance company. I will miss it and all the girls! LPHS PDC DANCE, DANCE, DANCE *whisper* AWESOME!

It's crazy that this year has gone by so fast and we have done so much! This year has been my favorite, not only because of the dances and the activities. But because of the girls on our team. Joining dance company was the best decision I've ever made because not only have my dancing improved but also I made so many new friends who became like sisters to me. One thing that sets us apart from any other dance program in our school is that we may not be able to do 6 turns in a row, but we know how to feel in a dance. We learn how to have musicality and properly express out feelings through our movement. Another thing I like about Dance Company is the variety of our dances. Not only can we kick butt in our hip hop, but we can handle sensitive topics like the Holocaust. Our concerts have a theme and it gives us an opportunity to expand and to have new ideas. I loved being able to choreograph because I have always wanted to do a fun jazzy dance and this semesters theme was perfect. Although I had choreography blocks and changed things a lot, It was totally worth is when I heard the audiences reaction to my dancers. The Last thing that I love is the opportunities that dance company has given me. I have been able to dance and perform in Philadelphia for Nationals, dance with professional companies and receive scholarships! I wouldn't have been able to accomplish any of that with being apart of dance company. I will miss it and all the girls! LPHS PDC DANCE, DANCE, DANCE *whisper* AWESOME!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Beautiful Dancers!!!
I can't believe that this is almost over!
We have all grown so much this year; grown together, grown in our dancing, grown in choreography, and grown as a dancing family and team. I love you guys!!! You will all always be a part of our dancing family --PDC Alumni!
So here is the info and deal in regards to your final and assignments:
Thursday, May 23rd at 7:00 PM: PDC Closing Social at Natalie/Monica's House.
-Bring your potluck food/drink assignment
-Bring your "secret friend" note and $15 max gift
-Fill out the Dancer Awards Survey!!!
FINAL (A and B)
A) WRITTEN FINAL: Due on Tuesday, May 28th (B8 Final Time)
"What I Have Learned From Being on PDC"
Do one OR the other:
-BLOG post on the PDC Blog ( Include pictures with captions. Include writing about "What I learned on PDC."
-PAPER: Two page type written paper, double-spaced, about what I have learned throughout the year from being on PDC
B) DANCING/COMPOSITION FINAL: Due on Tuesday, May 28th (B8 Final Time)
Group Choreography with choice of prop, then assigned music.
-Costumes, Dance Title required.
-1 minute of choreography unique and specific to a theme developed by inspiration from the prop.
-performance, technique, creativity, innovation, group contribution to choreography, performance, and choreographic elements graded.
PDC Concert Post-Reflection Self-Assessment
You must do both, even if you didn't choreography. If you didn't choreograph, choose a dance you were in and answer the questions as if you were the choreographer. Be sure to "SUBMIT" both!!!
Concert Choreography Reflection
Concert Self-Evaluation
I can't believe that this is almost over!
We have all grown so much this year; grown together, grown in our dancing, grown in choreography, and grown as a dancing family and team. I love you guys!!! You will all always be a part of our dancing family --PDC Alumni!
So here is the info and deal in regards to your final and assignments:
Thursday, May 23rd at 7:00 PM: PDC Closing Social at Natalie/Monica's House.
-Bring your potluck food/drink assignment
-Bring your "secret friend" note and $15 max gift
-Fill out the Dancer Awards Survey!!!
FINAL (A and B)
A) WRITTEN FINAL: Due on Tuesday, May 28th (B8 Final Time)
"What I Have Learned From Being on PDC"
Do one OR the other:
-BLOG post on the PDC Blog ( Include pictures with captions. Include writing about "What I learned on PDC."
-PAPER: Two page type written paper, double-spaced, about what I have learned throughout the year from being on PDC
B) DANCING/COMPOSITION FINAL: Due on Tuesday, May 28th (B8 Final Time)
Group Choreography with choice of prop, then assigned music.
-Costumes, Dance Title required.
-1 minute of choreography unique and specific to a theme developed by inspiration from the prop.
-performance, technique, creativity, innovation, group contribution to choreography, performance, and choreographic elements graded.
PDC Concert Post-Reflection Self-Assessment
You must do both, even if you didn't choreography. If you didn't choreograph, choose a dance you were in and answer the questions as if you were the choreographer. Be sure to "SUBMIT" both!!!
Concert Choreography Reflection
Concert Self-Evaluation
Sunday, May 5, 2013
NEW PDC - Dance practice #2
If you didn't get the memo from our PDC 2013-2014 facebook group, here it is:
We will have another practice on Monday from 6-7pm at Lp to go over the new member dance and put you in a formation. This is mostly for those who didn't make it on Saturday, but everyone is welcome to come and practice!
Dress Rehearsal is Wednesday at 5pm. You can come if you want, but it is optional. The new member dance is right near the end, so if you come at 6 you would be fine.
Costumes: Bring and wear your own shades of blues (not greens or teals, blues). Something nice or nice-casual that you can dance in.
Performance: Friday! Concert starts at 7pm. You are near the end. I would say arrive at 7:30 at the latest. You are welcome to go in and watch the concert too.
btw, Mt. Ridge has a performance on Thursday, so if any of you are free then, go on over and support their dance company :)
If you didn't get the memo from our PDC 2013-2014 facebook group, here it is:
We will have another practice on Monday from 6-7pm at Lp to go over the new member dance and put you in a formation. This is mostly for those who didn't make it on Saturday, but everyone is welcome to come and practice!
Dress Rehearsal is Wednesday at 5pm. You can come if you want, but it is optional. The new member dance is right near the end, so if you come at 6 you would be fine.
Costumes: Bring and wear your own shades of blues (not greens or teals, blues). Something nice or nice-casual that you can dance in.
Performance: Friday! Concert starts at 7pm. You are near the end. I would say arrive at 7:30 at the latest. You are welcome to go in and watch the concert too.
btw, Mt. Ridge has a performance on Thursday, so if any of you are free then, go on over and support their dance company :)
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