~ Imagine ~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~
~ Create ~ Perform ~ Inspire ~
Dedicated, Disciplined, Determined, Dreaming, Daring Dancers .
Dedicated, Disciplined, Determined, Dreaming, Daring Dancers .
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Excellent Job at the Performance Dancers!
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
PDC Children's Clinic: This Saturday 12/13!
Young Dancers Workshop
this Saturday, Dec 13th 1:00-3:00pm
Performance: Dec 13th 7:00pm
Dance and learn choreography to be performed that evening in the PDC Winter Concert "Dreamscapes"
For more information and to register, please click on the following link:
Young Dancers Workshop
this Saturday, Dec 13th 1:00-3:00pm
Performance: Dec 13th 7:00pm
Dance and learn choreography to be performed that evening in the PDC Winter Concert "Dreamscapes"
For more information and to register, please click on the following link:
Monday, September 1, 2014
PDC this week
-officer mtg @ 12:30,
-B4 Toning Tuesday
-Jo after school till 5:00 PM!
-2:30-3:40 pm Homecoming pract.
-6:15 AM Homecoming ALL teams.
-B4 ("fitted black thriday" in class). Technique Thursday.
-Shakespeare Duet 2:30-4:40 pm.
-Homecoming halftime performance!
-7AM - noon-ish Lp Yard Sale (in parking lot, bring/sell your own stuff!)
-Ririe-Woodbury Step Up Auditions!!!! SLC
-officer mtg @ 12:30,
-B4 Toning Tuesday
-Jo after school till 5:00 PM!
-2:30-3:40 pm Homecoming pract.
-6:15 AM Homecoming ALL teams.
-B4 ("fitted black thriday" in class). Technique Thursday.
-Shakespeare Duet 2:30-4:40 pm.
-Homecoming halftime performance!
-7AM - noon-ish Lp Yard Sale (in parking lot, bring/sell your own stuff!)
-Ririe-Woodbury Step Up Auditions!!!! SLC
PDC 2014-15,
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Lp PDC Ice Bucket Challenge
Lp Performing Dance Company was challenged for the#IceBucketChallenge and we accept and donated money for ALS!
We nominate @BalletWest1, @Westlakedanceco, @LpChevaliers, @lphsdrama2015! You have 24 hours, Go (and donate!)
We nominate @BalletWest1, @Westlakedanceco, @LpChevaliers, @lphsdrama2015! You have 24 hours, Go (and donate!)
... and remember the reason behind this (not just a social media contest)
1st Service project of the year :)
Happy Birthdays!!!!!!
Happy Sweet 16 to miss Sara (Minnesota/spork) on Tuesday!
...and thanks for bringing donuts for everyone :)
Happy Birthday to miss Nicole R. today (Wednesday)!!!
Love you ladies!!!!!
...and thanks for bringing donuts for everyone :)
Happy Birthday to miss Nicole R. today (Wednesday)!!!
Love you ladies!!!!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
PDC Retreat (AKA: get-to-know-you & team-building opening social!

Get all the info off our Facebook Group or your Email! Check it!!! Sign Up!!!!
Good times and new BFFs!!!! So much fun (without working/dancing).
Building our foundation for the rest of the year! Learning our individual strengths and personalities.
"Be Fearless"
All current PDC dancers to be in attendance!

Get all the info off our Facebook Group or your Email! Check it!!! Sign Up!!!!
Good times and new BFFs!!!! So much fun (without working/dancing).
Building our foundation for the rest of the year! Learning our individual strengths and personalities.
"Be Fearless"
All current PDC dancers to be in attendance!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
PDC Dance Camp Letter and MORE
PDC Dance Camp, etc. Letter (pdf)
PDC First Meeting with Parents on 5/24/14 info (word)
Important Dates for PDC 2014-2015 (word)
PDC First Meeting with Parents on 5/24/14 info (word)
Important Dates for PDC 2014-2015 (word)
Dance Camp,
PDC 2014-15,
Sunday, June 1, 2014
This year on PDC I learned how to not give up. To fight for what I want and stand up for who I am. I have gained such an amazing bond with this team that will never be broken. They are my sisters. They've been here through everything.
Even though concert week was hard for everyone we still made the most of it. Love you guys. We did it!
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Dance co. for life
This year has been so much fun! In the beginning I was so nervous about starting High School and being on Dance Company with people I had never met before, but everyone was so nice and welcoming. I made so many new friends on Company so fast. I loved the Homecoming half time so much because it was fun for the whole school to be able to see us perform. Shakespeare was probably my favorite part of the whole year. It was so cool to be able to meet kids from other schools, take classes and just spend time with each other and grow closer as a team. I learned how to be more creative with dance and how to think outside of the box. I am so glad that I was able to meet all of you amazing girls and dancers and I am going to miss you guys! Thanks for always being so nice and always laughing at my jokes! love you all so much!!!
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
This year with PDC:
So unlike most, I was only on dance company for half a semester. But in this half semester, I had the best time. I have never been apart of a team and especially a dance team so when I got this opportunity, I went for it. It seriously made me so happy that I made dance company and am lucky I got to work with such amazing and sweet girls. I learned about patience and coming out of my comfort zone. I really enjoyed this semesters theme which was enjoy the journey because seriously, we never really look at life as a journey; nor do we look at all the little things that make our life journey all the worth while. Yeah, there was so many great times but there were also hard ones where at least all of us were frustrated or tired of things. But at the same time, those moments made the better ones even more so and made it more memorable. I don't think I can forget some of the awesome memories i've made. Being a senior makes me sad that I won't be able to do this all again, so I really took it in for what it was worth. Wish so much I could do this next year but you know, it's time to graduate! thanks krista for being such an awesome teacher and advocate to all of us. For always having such a great attitude and being someone we could trust. Thanks girls for making me feel so welcomed! I love you guys so much and will miss you guys soo much! You guys are the coolest! :)
Enjoy the Journey
This year in dance company I learned so much about myself.
It was such a great experience for me every second of it, even though sometimes
it would be hard. I loved how I learned about enjoying the journey every step
of the way and taking life one step at a time. If you take life all at once you
will beat yourself up from failure. I also learned that you need to step back
and see your whole life so that you can know where you are headed in life.
There is a quote i live by that says: "Don't give up what you want most
for what you want in the moment." I learned that i should always think
before i act. I learned a lot of dance technique too by practicing my turns and
performance on my own time. I was really glad because they both got a lot
better. I loved this year and I just want to thank Krista for making it all
possible, and thanks for teaching us not only dance lessons but also life
lessons. I love you all so much and I am going to miss you guys so much.
PDC 2013-2014
This year on dance company has been a good learning experience for me. I feel like this year I've tried to expand out of my usual dance style. And I've done this on purpose to get a better perspective on dance. In general. I absolutely LOVE he girls I've gotten to know. I've never had any problems with them at all. They've taught me so much and are great people to be around. The opportunities that we've had this year seemed never ending. Shakespeare to state to concerts to Miami. I've definitely been so lucky. And the opportunity to choreograph has been so fun. I did two different styles of dance this year and they turned out so good!! I'm so grateful for the lasting friends and memories I've made on PDC this year :) and thanks for everything krista!
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Enjoy the Journey
I had a great year on PDC! From taking first at Shakespeare and performing the trio in the gala, to doing the homecoming halftime at the Rice-Eccles Stadium, to taking awesome classes at State, all the way to having a blast in Miami! We have been on an incredible journey together this year and even though we've had our ups and downs, we've created the best memories that we will remember forever! I'm so grateful that I got to dance with some of the most amazing girls I've ever met! You guys have really impacted my life in every way and have become my best friends. We learned how to push through the hard times together and support eachother when we were stressed out or when we were going through tough times. I love how different we all are in personalities, opinions, likes and dislikes, dancing styles, etc. and yet we have learned how to love and appreciate eachother individually. Our team is strong because of the bond that we have built throughout the year by going on the same journey and helping eachother through it. I'm so glad that we are not only a team but a family and that we all really do love eachother. Thank you for an amazing year! I love you all!
Saturday, May 24, 2014
I have loved being on PDC this year!! I have gained so many new friends and learned so much through many expiriences. I loved being taught by so many choreographers and dancers on our team. I loved going to see other performances as a company. Even though I couldn't go to Miami this year I was so happy for all of you that went! we had an incredible trio and I'm so proud of them!! We had some great dances that we performed in our concerts and I loved dancing with each and every one of you girls! The journey is focusing on all the great things we've accomplished this year and these are just some of them! We've learned teamwork, cooperation, and helping one another with trials and stresses. I'm thankful to all of you girls- you've made such an impact on my life and I will never forget you!
Love Megs <3
Love Megs <3
A Journey of a Thousand Miles
Dance company this year has influenced my life in many ways I did not expect it to. The friends I made, the lessons I learned, the experiences I had, all profoundly changed my life this year. From early morning practices in the rain, to late night rehearsals when we were all striving to simply stay awake, we endured everything together and I feel like we became a family. We learned how to work together, cooperate, and be flexible in our opinions when needed. Everyone on our team is so different in personalities and dancing styles that sometimes it was hard to please everyone, but I feel like we were all very patient with each other and worked together to sort out our differences. I know that for me, as a blue shaper, I struggled with being patient and positive at all times, especially when I had the stress of school and other activities on top of dance company. Everyone was always so happy and nice to me and that really helped calm me down in times of stress. Not only did I grow as a dancer, but emotionally and maturely as well. The quote that got me through this year was "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Every little experience, every little smile, every little dance, all created the big picture for the journey of my junior year.
I love you all more than I can say, thank you for the memories and experiences, I will never forget them. You have all changed my life for the better, and I would not give up this year for anything.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Thursday, May 15, 2014
ALL PDC 2014-15 Members and Parents!
PDC 14-15 Opening Social/Meeting
When: Saturday May 24th @ 5:00 PM
Location: tba (outside / park)
What to bring:
- potluck summer food (I will send out or post up a sign up form)
- your current transcript (you must have at least a 2.8 gpa to be on company)
- yourself and a parent
We will review the contract/demerit system and expectations/requirements of PDC
We will check and update everyone's contact information
We will "get-to-know-you"
We will discuss some summer options and opportunities for those around in the summer
We will hand out all of our big important dates for the upcoming year
If you are willing to help in organizing this event, parents and/or dancers, please email me with what you can do or contribute.
I understand that not everyone will be able to be in attendance, as we have 2 dancers who are out-of-state and are moving in. Everyone else, if you can please make an effort to be there, that would be great. If you have to bring your whole family to make it happen, go for it (as long as we have enough food).
PDC 14-15 Opening Social/Meeting
When: Saturday May 24th @ 5:00 PM
Location: tba (outside / park)
What to bring:
- potluck summer food (I will send out or post up a sign up form)
- your current transcript (you must have at least a 2.8 gpa to be on company)
- yourself and a parent
We will review the contract/demerit system and expectations/requirements of PDC
We will check and update everyone's contact information
We will "get-to-know-you"
We will discuss some summer options and opportunities for those around in the summer
We will hand out all of our big important dates for the upcoming year
If you are willing to help in organizing this event, parents and/or dancers, please email me with what you can do or contribute.
I understand that not everyone will be able to be in attendance, as we have 2 dancers who are out-of-state and are moving in. Everyone else, if you can please make an effort to be there, that would be great. If you have to bring your whole family to make it happen, go for it (as long as we have enough food).
PDC 2013-2014 Closing Social
Closing out this year
Welcoming in Summer
ALOHA! PDC Closing Social and Dinner
5:00 PM
May 29th (Thursday)
in Jaiden Losee's backyard
You will be given a flyer with the specific information. You must bring your food assignment!
We will be giving out end-of-year awards, signing yearbooks, watching our concert, eating food, and being together one last time!
Welcoming in Summer
ALOHA! PDC Closing Social and Dinner
5:00 PM
May 29th (Thursday)
in Jaiden Losee's backyard
You will be given a flyer with the specific information. You must bring your food assignment!
We will be giving out end-of-year awards, signing yearbooks, watching our concert, eating food, and being together one last time!
Closed Invite-Only Audition for PDC Missed Audition
This is a closed and invite-only audition for those who have contacted me previously.
Please have all online forms filled out and completed.
You will need to bring:
1) a 1 minute self-choreographed solo
2) be ready to dance in a given structured improvisation
3) other papers (such as last page of contract, transcript)
TUESDAY MAY 20th @ 4:30 PM
in the LPHS Dance Room
An email has also been sent out to those who have contacted me about this opportunity.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
PDC Choreography Reflection
This must be completed by ALL DANCERS. This is a graded assignment, with full points being awarded for honestly and completion.
If you have choreographed or helped choreograph a dance THIS YEAR, please comment on the dance you choreographed.
If you have NOT choreographed a dance this year, comment on a dance you were involved in with the process, or a dance you were in AS IF YOU WERE THE CHOREOGRAPHER>
If you have choreographed or helped choreograph a dance THIS YEAR, please comment on the dance you choreographed.
If you have NOT choreographed a dance this year, comment on a dance you were involved in with the process, or a dance you were in AS IF YOU WERE THE CHOREOGRAPHER>
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Audition Results
Thank You for Auditioning!
Synergy: Dance 3/CE
There will be more dancers on Synergy, this is just the list from those who attended the Audition.
I will give you more detailed information about how to enroll for the University Concurrent Enrollment when the new school year starts.
Kira Knorr
Megan Smoot
Alexis Nicolls
Alison Paulson
Aubree Holt
Cortney Larson
Emily Hanks
Hannah Overstreet
Katie May
Kimi Aramaki
Lauren Colemere
Makaela Alder
Mariah Miller
Savannah Burton
Hope Hughes
Hannah Teague
Performing Dance Company
Those on the list for PDC, please confirm with me that you have seen this list, via email, face-to-face, or by writing your initials next to your name on the list on the dance room door.. Let me know if anything is different. Please note our concert is coming up next week, so my time will short.
When you check off that you have seen the list I will give you the information for the new member / get-to-know-you meeting before the end of school.
If you have a * by your name, you need to come and speak with me personally.
If you have - forms by your name, it means that I have not received all the forms needed, such as parent permission, signed contract, or teacher recommendations.
For some dancers listed below, they will be conditionally on PDC with certain provisions.
Please also request to be added to the facebook group for PDC 2014-2015:
Abby Hadlock - forms
Alexis Nicholls - forms
Alison Paulson (Transfer Student)
Autumn Schoemig
Brielle Moon *
Brittany Fromm
Cortney Larson - forms
Elijah Allred - forms
Hannah Teague (Transfer Student)
Hope Hughes *
Isamar Enriquez *
Jaiden Losee *
Jake Burton - forms
Jayden Crowther - forms
Katie May
Kimi Aramaki
Lauren Colemere - forms
Mackenzie Malm * - forms
Mariah j. Miller - forms
Mary Alexis McAllister * - forms
Malori Pratt - forms
Matt Marshall - forms
Meghan Freeze (1st Semester)
Monica Hymas * - forms
Nicole Rindlisbacher (1st Semester)
Savannah Burton
Savanna Buhler * - forms
Tyler John
Whitney Rovig * - forms
Synergy: Dance 3/CE
There will be more dancers on Synergy, this is just the list from those who attended the Audition.
I will give you more detailed information about how to enroll for the University Concurrent Enrollment when the new school year starts.
Kira Knorr
Megan Smoot
Alexis Nicolls
Alison Paulson
Aubree Holt
Cortney Larson
Emily Hanks
Hannah Overstreet
Katie May
Kimi Aramaki
Lauren Colemere
Makaela Alder
Mariah Miller
Savannah Burton
Hope Hughes
Hannah Teague
Performing Dance Company
Those on the list for PDC, please confirm with me that you have seen this list, via email, face-to-face, or by writing your initials next to your name on the list on the dance room door.. Let me know if anything is different. Please note our concert is coming up next week, so my time will short.
When you check off that you have seen the list I will give you the information for the new member / get-to-know-you meeting before the end of school.
If you have a * by your name, you need to come and speak with me personally.
If you have - forms by your name, it means that I have not received all the forms needed, such as parent permission, signed contract, or teacher recommendations.
For some dancers listed below, they will be conditionally on PDC with certain provisions.
Please also request to be added to the facebook group for PDC 2014-2015:
Abby Hadlock - forms
Alexis Nicholls - forms
Alison Paulson (Transfer Student)
Autumn Schoemig
Brielle Moon *
Brittany Fromm
Cortney Larson - forms
Elijah Allred - forms
Hannah Teague (Transfer Student)
Hope Hughes *
Isamar Enriquez *
Jaiden Losee *
Jake Burton - forms
Jayden Crowther - forms
Katie May
Kimi Aramaki
Lauren Colemere - forms
Mackenzie Malm * - forms
Mariah j. Miller - forms
Mary Alexis McAllister * - forms
Malori Pratt - forms
Matt Marshall - forms
Meghan Freeze (1st Semester)
Monica Hymas * - forms
Nicole Rindlisbacher (1st Semester)
Savannah Burton
Savanna Buhler * - forms
Tyler John
Whitney Rovig * - forms
Monday, April 14, 2014
PDC Summer Dance Camp Dates
Our Dance Camp will be:
August 4th-9th
The first 4 days will be at Lone Peak High School.
The last 2 days will be at the Rose Wagner Theater in SLC doing the RW High School Workshop.
August 4th-9th
The first 4 days will be at Lone Peak High School.
The last 2 days will be at the Rose Wagner Theater in SLC doing the RW High School Workshop.
All PDC Audition Forms and Application Links
Here are all the forms and audition application links:
PDC Information Form (from parent meeting)
PDC Fees (handed out at parent meeting)
PDC Audition Application Form
(this is also live on the previous blog post, same form for Synergy and PDC)
PDC Parent Permission Form
(Parents must fill out)
PDC Teacher Recommendation Form
(4 current school teachers must fill these out, if you have a school dance teacher, he/she must be one of the 4)
PDC Information Form (from parent meeting)
PDC Fees (handed out at parent meeting)
PDC Audition Application Form
(this is also live on the previous blog post, same form for Synergy and PDC)
PDC Parent Permission Form
(Parents must fill out)
PDC Teacher Recommendation Form
(4 current school teachers must fill these out, if you have a school dance teacher, he/she must be one of the 4)
Monday, March 24, 2014
PDC Auditions!
Online Audition Application (Fill out by dancer)
Parent Permission Form (Fill out by parent)
Teacher Recommendation Forms (Give to 3 teachers to fill out)
PDC Disclosure Document Contract
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